
делает видимыми те элементы, параметр 'batch' которых задан определенным именем

void showBatch(string name, [boolean mode] );
namestringthe batch name
modebooleanнеобязательный параметр, the mode of showing elements


// the elements with the batch name "b2" are shown initially
    view:"toolbar", id:"mybar", visibleBatch:"b2", cols:[ 
        {view:"button",  value:"Save",   batch:"b1"}, 
        {view:"button",  value:"Cancel", batch:"b1"}, 
        {view:"button",  value:"Edit",   batch:"b2"},
        {view:"button",  value:"Back",   batch:"b2"}
// hides elements with the batch name "b2", shows those with the batch name "b1" 
// shows elements with the batch names "b1" and "b2"
$$("mybar").showBatch("b1", true);   
// shows elements with the batch name "b2"
$$("mybar").showBatch("b1", false);

Related samples


The mode parameter is optional. It can have the following values:

  • true - the method shows both the elements with the previously defined batch name and with the one defined by the 1st parameter
  • false - the method shows only the elements with the previously defined batch name
  • if the parameter isn't defined, the method shows only the elements with the batch name defined by the 1st parameter
See also
If you have not checked yet, be sure to visit site of our main product Webix javascript ui components library and page of ui draggable product.