
текст по умолчанию для элементов компонента Pivot

object pivot;


webix.i18n.pivot = {
    columns: "Columns",
    count: "count",
    fields: "Fields",
    filters: "Filters",
    max: "max",
    min: "min",
    operationNotDefined: "Operation is not defined",
    pivotMessage: "[Click to configure]",
    rows: "Rows",
    select: "select",
    sum: "sum",
    text: "text",
    values: "Values",
    windowTitle: "Pivot Configuration",
    windowMessage: "[move fields into required sector]"

Related samples

See also
If you have not checked yet, be sure to visit site of our main product Webix open source html5 framework and page of javascript pivot table product.