Версия 1.10
Полный список изменений и исправлений
Новая функциональность
- событие onSubmit для форм
- target для ссылок меню
- серии столшбцов в datatable
- итераторы each и eachChild принимают флаг "all" для TreeStore
- стили свойств в "flat" и "touch" темах
- стили textarea
- unsync API для backbone интеграции
- not valid HTML for textarea control
- focus in empty form
- removeHotKey removes all hotkey handlers except of one specific
- webix.ui usage for cell replacement
- dynamic inputs can corrupt form's data
- double rendering in window
- changing month in main view (case of last day selected)
- month changing in case of last days selection (like 31 March than go to Feb)
- autosuggest in combo breaks after form.clean
- backbone integration and empty collection
- indeterminate checkbox styling and some other tree styles
- cancel validation for hidden form fields
- pager styling
- preselecting combo and richselect options in case of custom template for list
- options mapping
- options mapping
- carousel sizing (carousel was completely rebuilt: view-based, layout is inside)