Версия 7.0
вышла 24 сентября, 2019
Что нового в комплексных виджетах:
Breaking Changes
- Начиная с Webix 7.0 мы поддерживаем версии не ниже IE11
Устаревшее API
Мы убрали из библиотеки устаревшее и редко используемое API:
- Инициализации из XML и HTML
- Редко используемые proxies (offline, local, cache, connector, indexbd, faye)
- ActiveContent
- Драйвер загрузки Flash
- Панель истории
- Некоторые button types (form, danger, htmlbutton)
- Некоторые helpers (webix.PowerArray, webix.jsonp, webix.ui.each, webix.ui.hasMethod)
Более подробную информацию читайте в этой статье
Обратите внимание, что устаревшие решения всё ещё доступны на GitHub.
Инструменты Webix
Новые возможности
- the incorrect custom scroll sizing after view visibility change
- moving items in Tree doesn’t work correctly in some cases
- filtering column in DataTable with optionslist enabled incorrectly preserves the empty rows
- incorrect visualization of item drag in the dashboard with small cells
- editor can’t be disabled for custom types in the property view
- glitch in hover over DataTable in the Edge browser
- drag-n-drop and tooltip related memory leaks
- form with complexData handling of non-standard objects
- the incorrect chart.config after setting series through chart.define
- the server-side filtering fails on non-JSON data
- the broken hover effect for DataTable in IE/Edge
- Excel, PDF, etc. file import fails in the latest Chrome
- DataTable sets the incorrect x-scroll position on touch devices
- the combo editor incorrectly sets the value for an empty option in some cases
- small values are not rendered in the bar chart without the y-scale
- the Y axis in the chart does not render for a single data item with value 0
- the Y axis in the chart disappears from the chart, if 'start' and 'end' are 0
- minDate in Calendar prevents selection of a valid date in some cases
- Submenu doesn't hide on hover out in some cases
- export to png/pdf doesn't work for content with iframes
- hover over datatable's rows in IE/Edge
- styling of dbl-list in the Contrast skin
- layout's resizer behaves incorrectly in some cases
- the regression in the setValue API for Tabbar and Segmented button
- the incorrect overflow styling for right labels in the Form controls
- the non-perfect styling of the Checkbox editor in DataTable
- block selection is not rendered in the top-split area of Datatable
- a multi-level menu doesn't work on touch devices
- an empty suggest box may throw a JS error on keyboard navigation
- the Toggle view doesn't render HTML content correctly
- a badge is not rendered for a zero value
- a performance problem for keyboard navigation in Datatable
- an incorrect header element in Calendar for the week sub scale
- the non-optimal behavior of Colorpicker in the editable mode
- a regression in handling of minDate in Calendar
- the incorrect scale in Chart for very small values
- applying skin-related sizes at runtime
- calendar size calculation
- suggest for editable DIV elements
- onEnter event fires stably
- open submenus defined as a data in menu with openAction:"click"