Версия 5.2
вышла 23 февраля, 2018
Что нового в комплексных виджетах:
Инструменты Webix
- Snippet Editor получил новые возможности, а также обновлённый внешний вид
- Form Builder получил набор контролов по умолчанию и новый удобный интерфейс
Новые возможности
- Возможность экспортировать данные в форматах Excel, PDF и CSV
- Возможность указать тип данных и формат дат и чисел в столбцах при экспорте в Excel
- Режим "self" для метода queryView
- У панели Dashboard может быть и хедер, и иконка одновременно. Хедер может быть комплексным
- Возможность использовать ключ "data" в Menu в качестве алиаса для ключа "submenu"
- empty DateRange filter mustn't cause filtering
- $scope is not defined for subviews in Datatable
- the order of headermenu options is the same as columns'
- disabled view and AbsLayout
- custom scrollbars within Dashboard widgets
- negative values in the number format
- DataTable selection marks with synced data
- skin settings in Radio and Checkbox cannot be changed in dynamics
- DatePicker with multiselect and stringresult
- on/off labels don't change for the iconButtonTop toggle
- Pie Chart doesn't have values for series
- minWidth and minHeight don't work for Window, minHeight during resizing
- DataTable print fails in the GPL edition
- clearcanvas with respect to device
- SVG-based widgets cannot be dragged within Dashboard
- drag-and-drop from Dashboard to data widgets is not handled
- panel icon CSS displays below the Chart
- formatted input returns without initial value
- remove the default invalidMessage for pattern, move "select" to the Combo part of locale
- icons on Dashboard panels are rendered incorrectly
- sorting with hidden series in Chart duplicates graphs
- FlexLayout with padding grows on refresh
- bidirectional resize cursor on Mac
- level paging doesn't work for TreeTable with dynamic data
- TreeMap item CSS
- Tree multiselect:level
- Multicombo doesn't take the suggest width when fitMaster:false
- onChange in DoubleList fires before items are really changed
- TreeStore dynamic loading of linear data: order exceeds total_count
- GoogleMap fails to display data of the master collection
- Sidemenu: unclear positioning features of the 'state' method
- Window position handler fires twice oninit
- correlation of Datatable spans, $row, topsplit and area selection
- the Clear icon does not reset visual selection in Calendar
- subview cannot open when hover css is applied to DataTable
- fix in the Moveable mixin to extend widgets without _headobj correctly
- webix.Touch.disable/limit() should block the dragstart handler
- DataTable math doesn't work after refreshColumns()
- textValue in Suggest should return string
- localization for CheckSuggest labels Select All/Unselect All does not work on init
- $scope in Accordion cells
- dirty status for the MultiText control
- invalid state of the Bullet Graph for 0 value
- regression in dynamic loading from XML
- optional native scrolling for touch
- zero value and select filters in DataTable
- ColorPicker CSS in the Property Sheet
- DatePicker and DateRangePicker don't need pattern and format
- strip HTML tags from spanned cells during export
- the $setValue method of button doesn't paint the value