Версия 4.2
вышла 23 февраля, 2017
Что нового в комплексных виджетах:
Breaking Changes
- Изменён доступ к объектам (charts, maps, scheduler) сторонних компонентов.
Теперь единственный путь получить объект - вызвать соответствующий метод getChart/getMap/getEditor/getScheduler().
Чтобы вернуть промис из этого метода, передайте ему true в качестве параметра. Промис разрешится, когда чарт, карта, редактор
или планировщик будут загружены и готовы к использованию.
Чтобы оценить влияние этих изменений на ваши проекты, а также получить информацию о текущей функциональности, смотрите статью о Migration.
Новые возможности
- Datatable header autosize calculation
- text autosize calculation
- regression in property updating
- call master.refreshFilter on options update only if possible
- show initial tab for tabview
- let datatable cells preserve fixed height in subview mode
- spline chart and zero values
- sizing of layout after inner size changes
- richSelectFilter API in hidden column in IE
- template and tree can have incorrect x-scroll after resize
- addOption for segmented and tabbar should refresh the control
- height calculation for vertical radio with top label and radio with new lines
- debug version: warn that donut is not supported by Rangechart
- Here-map sample to replace Nokia-map
- suggest should not select list items during navigation - it is handled by moveSelection
- clipboard regression due to accessibility
- tooltip $view links to a non-existent element
- paint branch if a child checkbox is checked
- aria label for html content in editor
- rendering frame for initially hidden chart
- don't draw labels for not rendered bars (0 value)
- mind container borders when adjusting
- scrolling of grouped rows, subrows and subviews with prerender in datatable
- $setValue doesn't change value of input, blurring sets value
- add escaped headers/footer to export scheme, required for pdf
- clear loading markers and xhr on destruction
- dragleave event fires for all child nodes of drop zone
- Uploader's hover can interfere with file drag-n-drop
- Uploader recognizes any status code below 400 as successful
- better handling of key navigation during multiple and area selection in DataTable
- set and move selection during key navigation only for views with data
- area selection fails on filtering
- DataTable getHeaderNode() should return HTML for columns in left and right splits
- keep on drag-n-drop if an item has been dragged to the empty area of DataTable
- regression in editNext() for Webix GPL version
- regression in registerFilter() with non-existing column id
- server-side filtering and onBeforeFilter event
- check rendered columns when setting state of DataTable with left/right splits
- clear filters silently during setting state - to prevent from filtering until the new state is set
- clear specific invalid CSS during clearing all validation in DataTable
- no resize when virtual keyboard popups, fix Chrome issue with scrolling to focused input issue
- check column visibility before making datatable cell focusable
- moveSelection() should not try to select data in empty data components
- let the only item in a data component remain focusable regardless of selection
- json.parseDates behaviour is more consistent
- id is not autogenerated during importData call
- clear dynamic loading flags when aborting server calls
- mind string "0" when setting $parent of the topmost item
- actualize chart sizes for RangeChart during resizing
- add unique names for Radio input fields in the group if none were provided
- escape ARIA label for controls while rendering
- UI Toggle requires a label for changing the value
- regression in Tabbar and IE8
- refresh Tabbar if an option in the "more" list is selected
- using show(true) for view inside of window
- regression with spacer and align property
- Accordion with resizer
- localization: empty objects and strings overwrite default locale values
- webix.copy should not process regular expressions (e.g. in input patterns)
- DataView: define maximum elements dimensions for Firefox, IE and Safari
- editor in the Tree adjusts to node
- wrong navigation direction in DateRange with adjacent December and January months
- Gage height and font-size
- Gage styles fix for IE
- RichText overflow fix
- don't include x-axis title into modifications with dynamic chart
- cleanup logic to PDFViewer for better memory usage
- block mouse event handler for already destroyed views
- align:absolute ignores right and bottom positions