Версия 3.1
вышла 24 ноября, 2015
Новые возможности
- параметры listMarginX и listMarginY для organogram
- методы open() и close() для organogram
- newValues для multiselect
- eachLeaf() для TreeStore
- поддержка числовых горячих клавиш в UIManager
- обработчик событий onSubViewOpen для DataTable
- параметр inputName для uploader
- поддержка "multiselect" для KanbanLists
- setStructure() для PivotTable
- "root" batch для File Manager
- метод animateView и "month" анимация для Scheduler на сенсорных устройствах
- сообщение об ошибкe при инициализации компонентов вне GPL с помощью Webix GPL
- свойство tagMode для MultiCombo
- метод load() для PDF Viewer
- свойство toFront для окон
- getTextSize method для html
- nested isolated scopes
- refreshColumn correctly removes filters
- clipboard: clicks on selected item/cell
- subrow opening in TreeTable
- MultiCombo and bottomPadding
- numberFilter to accept 0 and fractional numbers
- remove sub items with parent in tree
- accordion doesn't resize the header panel
- progressBar in window
- disabled Resizer
- json format in php files
- scrolling DataTable with span(s) on touch devices
- Fieldset vertical padding
- handling mouseup outside browser window
- pager update on data count change
- focus() method for checkbox and radio
- Carousel navigation z-index
- regression in windows focus handling
- regression in form focus handling
- data corrupting by counter in the footer
- size of editors in case of sub-forms, sub-rows
- sub-rows and precise scroll
- double-rendering from onchange handler in Chrome
- handling mouseup outside browser window
- DataProcessor in updateFromResponse mode doesn't trigger update events
- checkbox doesn't trigger onDataUpdate event
- JSON date parser doesn't recognize dates without milliseconds
- IE8 compatibility for uploader
- size of fillspace columns for very small grids
- Fieldset vertical padding
- export to Excel and Webix Jet (RequireJS)
- progressBar in window
- disabled Resizer
- date-time shifting in export to Excel
- webix.copy correctly processes Date objects
- parsing boolean values from HTML markup
- blockDates in Calendar
- totalColumn in Pivot Table
- custom columns in Excel export
- format property in DatePicker can accept a function
- hiding columns in a DataTable, those were added dynamically
- export to Excel, dates processing
- FireFox: customCheckbox and customRadio
- regression in DataTable click processing
- regression in form.setValues API